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Gubra is sponsor of BIKE TO WORK

HØRSHOLM, Denmark – March 9, 2020

Gubra is sponsor of this year’s Danish bike campaign BIKE TO WORK

BIKE TO WORK (VI CYKLER TIL ARBEJDE) is Denmark’s big national bike event. Due to corona-virus/COVID-19 this year’s bike event is moved to September.

However, normally each year during the month of May, thousands of Danes jump to their bicycles and bike to work. Last year 60,000 employees from 2,000 companies participated across the country.

The collaboration between Gubra and VCTA (Danish acronym for WE BIKE TO WORK/VI CYKLER TIL ARBEJDE) has made it possible to extend the campaign with a Winter-Bike-to-Work Week. This will run in January 2021 and will be free to all participants in the May campaign.

Co-founder of Gubra, Jacob Jelsing, says:
Being part of BIKE TO WORK is a big thing to us. We develop new drugs in obesity-related diseases, but we realize that preventive health initiatives is a much better solution. In addition, we are a very climate focused company who wants to play an active role in the fight for a more sustainable world. Thus, the more people choose the bike, the better for all of us, says Jacob Jelsing.

Now it’s all about getting prepared for May and the upcoming biking season. A small task force at Gubra is currently looking at various ideas to help motivate colleagues to join the campaign and choose the bike – if only for one day.

This year at Gubra, we are extra excited about BIKE TO WORK.




Sofia Pitt Boserup

Lead Communication Partner
+45 41889586


About Gubra

Gubra is a privately held biotech company since 2008, headquartered in Denmark. The company is a science and technology driven company with two primary areas of business: Preclinical contract research services (CRO) and proprietary early target and drug discovery programs. Gubra’s primary focus is within the metabolic space (obesity, diabetes, NASH, CKD, CVD and diabetic complications) adding to this fibrotic disease areas such as IPF and IBD. Gubra specializes in in vivo pharmacology, peptide chemistry, molecular pharmacology, histology, 3D imaging, stereology, NGS (next generation sequencing), bioinformatics and ex vivo assays. High quality, scientific excellence, advanced digitalization, speed and solid teamwork, are key company traits which have established Gubra as a highly professional and competent partner in the market. Learn more at

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